~ The YeSharon Moabite Star Academy ~

Erudite Lessons

"Study! Study! Study! - You Sleepy Headed Moors" Drew Ali

Volume 3
Moorish Heritage - What Really Happened in Morocco

Volume 4

The following definitions are provided by the Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, the pdf version can be downloaded from Volume 2 of this page.







CIVILITER MORTUUS. Civily dead in the view of the law. The condition of one who has lost his civil rights and capacities and is accounted dead in law.

Dead on paper through hypothecation and escheatment. Ex. BIRTH CERTIFICATE, where the NAME is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.


COLOR. An apparent semblance or simulacrum as distinguished from that which is real. Hence a deceptive appearance; a plausible, assumed exterior, concealing a lack of reality; a disguise or pretext.

COLOR OF AUTHORITY. That semblance or presumption of authority sustaining the acts or a public officer which is derived from his apparent title to the office or from a writ or other process.

COLOR OF LAW. The appearance or semblance; without the substance of legal right.

COLOR OF OFFICE. An act unjustly done by the countenance of an office, being grounded upon corruption, for which the office is as a shadow and color. A claim or assumption of right to do an act by virtue of an office, made of by a person who is legally destitute [not possessing] of any such right. SUCH PERSON MUST BE AT LEAST OFFICER DE FACTOR.

COLOR OF TITLE. The appearance, semblance, or simulacrum of title. Apparent title. Any fact, extraneous to the act or mere will of the claimant, which has the appearance, on its face, of supporting his claim of a present title to land, but which, for some defect, in reality falls short of establishing it. A writing upon its face professing to pass title but which does not either through want of title in the grantor or a defective mode of conveyance.






DENIZEN. In English Law. A person who being an alien, born has obtained, ex donatione regis, letters patent to make him an English subject, a high and incommunicable branch of the royal prerogative.

A denizen is a kind of middle state between an alien and a natural born subject and partakes of the status of both of these.

In American Law. A dweller; a stranger admitted to certain rights in a foreign country or as one who lives habitually in a country but is not a native-born citizen. One who has some relation to the enemy nation which is not lost by the alien's presence within the United States.


ESCHEAT. In feudal law, esheat is an obstruction of, to the course of descent and consequent determination of the tenure, by some unforeseen contingency in which case the land naturally results back, by a kind of reversion, to the original grantor, or lord of the fee. IN AMERICAN LAW. Escheat signifies a reversion of property to the state in consequence of a want of any individual competent to inherit. The state is deemed to occupy the place and hold the rights of the fedual lord.



EX PARTE. On one side only; by or for one party, done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only.


FEUDAL. Pertaining to feuds or fees; relating to or growing out of the feudal system or feudal law; having the quality of a feud as distinguished from "allodial."


HYPOTHECATE. To pledge a thing without delivering the possession of it to the pledgee. The master, when abroad, and in the absence of the owner, may hypothecate the ship, freight, and cargo, to raise money requisite for the completion of the voyage.






NATIONALITY. That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person's belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by naturalization.






PRIMOGENITURE. The state of being the first-born among several children of the same parents; senority by birth in the same family. The superior or exclusive right passed by the eldest son, and particularily his right to succeed to the estate of his ancestors, in right of his senority by birth, to the exlusion of younger sons.







TACIT. Existing, inferred, or understood without being openly expressed or stated, implied by silence or silent acquiescence, understood, implied as a tacit agreement; a tacit understanding.


VASSAL. vessel capsided - dead

Please see the "Historical Timeline" and "Class Assignment" page of this website for not only the treaties themselves and the classes geared towards training you on the purpose and power they yield.
Etymology is the science that will orient the Mind of the Subjugated and un-expecting Moors to the proper History, Law and Culture. The History, origin and true meaning of words will guide Moors in filtering out the diluted and distorted meanings created by the European Re-constructors of World History and World Geography.
The True meaning of the words consider, spirit, god, holy, hell, month, and religion, will reconnect the Minds of Moors to the state of consciousness of their Foremothers and Forefathers. This superior and pristine education will guide Moors to ISONOMI
/ RIGHT LAW thinking patterns, and bury the inferior mindset of which defeated Moors have been indoctrinated and socially groomed, thus, putting Moors back on the road to self authority / self rule.
Kolender v. Lawson
(461 U.S. 352, 1983)
"There is no such thing as failure to identify."
State v. Robinson
(145 ME. 77, 72 ATL . 260)
"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery."
State v. Mobley
(240 N.C. 476, 83, S.E. 2d 100
"Each Person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest."
Adams v. State
(121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910)
"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested."
Marbury v. Madison
(5th US, 2 Cranch, 137, 174, 176)
"All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
Miranda v. Arizona
(384 U.S. 436, 491)
"Where rights are secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."
Hurtado v. People of the State of California, 110 U.S. 516
"The state cannot diminish rights of the people."
Davis v. Wechsler, 263 US 22, 24
"The assertion of federal rights, [Bill of Rights] when plainly and reasonably made, is not to be defeated under the name of local practice."
Sherer v. Cullen, 481 F 946
"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of constitutional rights."
Murdock v. Pennsylvania,
319 US 105
"No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore."
Olmstead v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928)
"The right to be let alone is the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment."
Adams v. State
(121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910)
"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested"
16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 155
If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the
Olmstead v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928)
"The right to be let alone is the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment."
Adams v. State
(121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910)
"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested"

Consequences for violating the "Supreme Laws of the Land"

18 U.S.C. § 0242
Deprivation of Rights Under
Color of Law
18 U.S.C. § 0371
Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States
18 U.S.C. § 0921
Officer or employee of the United States
18 U.S.C. § 1746
Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury

33 Civic Questions for Moorish Children and their Friends

Documentary-Genocide - Families Surnames on Racial Hit List



Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, (1857) Part I
Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sandford [1857] Part II - Rule of Naturalization
Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sandford U.S. 393 (1857) - Part III
County Sheriff's Handbook
Part II - 06.11.2021
The Laws You are COMMANDED to Uphold as a Public Officer...
County Sheriff's Handbook
Part III